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School Admissions

Our Application Form can be downloaded below.  Our Admissions Policies can be fpound on our Policies page here

In Year Applications

If you are transferring from another school you can contact us directly to apply for a place. Forms are available on our website or from the school office. Please also contact us here or by phone to arrange a visit to the school.

Appeal Process

Should your application be refused and you would like to appeal against this decision, please follow the link below for more information on how to do this:

Starting School in Reception Year

If your require a place for a child who is due to start school you will have received paperwork from the Local Authority. This application form needs to be returned to the LA in Taunton in advance of the deadline date (shown on the paperwork) where it will processed. There is an option to complete the form online and this is usually the easiest option. You will also be notified of the outcome online which means you hear a little sooner than if you receive a reply by post.


To apply for a place in our Pre School (for pupils from the age of 2) please contact the school office on 01823 480637. Visits are warmly welcomed and again can be booked with the office.

Catchment Map

In Year Application Form - Yr 3 - 6

In Year Application Form - Yr 1 - 2

Ashill Admission Arrangements 24/25

Ashill Admission Arrangements 25/26

Changing Schools In Somerset In Year Leaflet

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