Pupil & Sports Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium provides additional funding on top of the main funding a school receives. The aim of the funding is to ensure that all children, regardless of economic background, have the same opportunities and academic outcomes.
Is there an issue with eligible pupils not applying for FSM?
In Somerset, when a Housing/Council Tax Benefit form is agreed, this automatically entitles the child(ren) in the family to receive free school meals. The council informs the Student Service team and the school of the child's entitlement to free school meals.
Parents in receipt of Child Tax Credit need to fill a free school meal application form. If you believe that you qualify for these tax benefits, please fill in a form as this may mean additional funding is available for your child in school.
PE and Sports Premium
The Government have provided funding to all schools and Academies to enable the provision of sport.